
Congratulations to the all the winners that were announced last weekend

Published Tue 22 Mar 2022


Congratulations to all the award winners that were announced at our Association Presentation Day held on Sunday 20th March 2022.

Div 1 Best & Fairest – Carlijn Hill                            

Div 1 R/Up Best & Fairest – Jodie Chammen


Div 2 Best & Fairest – Brenna McDougall

Div 2 R/Up Best & Fairest – Kim Storton


U/17 Best & Fairest - Lewis Rosenzweig

U/17 R/Up Best & Fairest – Zoe Doudle


U/14 Best & Fairest – Lily Smith

U/14 R/Up Best & Fairest – Blake Rosenzweig


Presidents Trophy - Sue Norris

Senior Umpire - Travis Delfos

Junior Umpire - Jack Ruediger

Scorers Trophy - Carly-Jayne Coates

Most Runs Shield – Kangas Div 1 – 174

Club Championship Shield - Kangas


Senior Softball Championship Awards

C Grade – State Champs

MVP – Carlijn Hill

Best Team Player – Jodie Chammen


D Grade (Black) – State Champs

MVP – Natasha Peel

R/Up MVP – Krystal Doudle


D Grade (Maroon) – State Champs

MVP – Tara Lord

Impact Player – Nat Wik


Junior Softball Championship Awards

U/14 Girls – State Champs

Best Team Player – Sophie Holt

Most Versatile – Josephine Virgara


U/14 Boys – State Champs

MVP – Daan Barrett

Most Consistent Batter – Bailey Peel




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